Scotland's Most Exciting
Public Speaker was...
✅ Naturally Introverted.
✅ Terrified of Public Speaking.
✅ Completely Lost.
What Changed?
Kyle was asked a question that change his life forever:
"If a zombie apocalypse happened in Glasgow, where would you go?"
But this wasn't asked amongst friends; no, it was asked in front of 20 strangers who were expecting Kyle to answer the question with a speech.
After what felt like an eternity, a very nervous, sweaty Kyle said two words...
"The Pub"
And sat back down.
Once his heart-rate normalized and the debilitating feeling of panic left his body and mind, Kyle decided that he never wanted to feel like that again.
He decided to invest time in becoming a confident public speaker.
Since that day Kyle has....
☑️ Launched 'Confidence by Design'
A business that helps professionals overcome their speaking nerves and deliver compelling presentations.
☑️ Become a Public Speaking Champion
Kyle has won 5 UK & Ireland public speaking Championships and 1 European Championship in just 5 years.
☑️ Wrote a 5-Star Book
The 5 Pillars of Effective Public Speaking has received outstanding reviews from readings across the globe!
Future Plans?
✅ Be Recognised as the World Champion of Public Speaking.
✅ Grow Confidence By Design Into a High Performance Team.
✅ Impact as Many as Possible on the Big Stage.
But more importantly...
Kyle is on a mission to help people like YOU overcome the fear and reach their speaking potential.
See, when you work with Kyle, you won't just become confident at public speaking...
No, you will feel more confident ANYTIME you speak!
And that confidence will serve you for LIFE!
So If you're ready to take your presentation skills and confidence to the next level, reach out to Kyle via clicking the button below.